Best Orthopedic Doctor

January 09, 2025 | Latest news | 55 Views Call Connect

Injuries and illnesses affecting muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons are treated by orthopedic physicians, commonly known as orthopedists. These include ailments including sports injuries, hip dysplasia, scoliosis, arthritis, bone cancer, and back pain. Both nonsurgical and surgical therapies are available from them. In addition to surgical procedures, orthopedics employs a range of medical, physical, and rehabilitation methods to help maintain the musculoskeletal system's health. Orthopedics is an extremely diversified field. Because the field is so broad, the majority of orthopedic physicians specialize in a single area of therapy. Orthopedics treats a variety of illnesses and conditions, including fractures, dislocations, ruptured discs, strained or torn muscles, bursitis, sprains, strains, tendon injuries, and torn ligaments. For the best orthopedic physician in Rohini, speak with Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Singhal.

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